Yoga Poses That Fight 5 Common Health Problems in Children

Yoga is an Indian science of exercise which focuses on imparting health and fitness to body and mind. After declaration of 21st June as International Yoga Day by United Nations, it has become popular not just amongst adults but also amongst children as it offers quick solution to some very common health issues faces by kids in this age.

This post brings a list of yoga poses or yoga asanas which are highly effective in fighting common health problems in children. Let us have a quick look at these yoga poses which are far better than medication.

1. In case of stomach pain in children

Stomach pain is one of the most common health issues in children and almost every kid complains of it. With a few of these yoga poses, you can cure this problem without having to get your child medicines. All of these poses put pressure on the stomach and release the pain.

Frog Pose

Sitting like a frog

Child’s Pose

Sitting with head down and arms extended on the back side


Stand with keen straight and bend down to touch the feet

2. In case of hectic day at school, to relax

A hectic day at school is very tiring for children. They feel completely drained when they are home as they have no energy left to do their home work or go out to play with their friends. These yoga asanas are surely a great help.

Lion Pose

Sit on knees with hands in front and roar like a lion

Chair Pose

Stand and bend your knees as sitting on chair with arms stretched up

Happy Pose

Lie down on your back with legs split and held high and hands holding them

3. In case of neck and back pain in kids

These days even children suffer from neck pain and back pain because physical exercises are limited to minimum and they work on computers, laptops and tablets. If your child also faces such pains then do make him do these asanas and experience quick results.

Three legged dog pose

Stand on your legs and then touch the ground with your hands. Now lift one leg and stay there

Cat pose

Sit like a cat on your knees with your hands in front

Cobra pose

Lie on your stomach and stretch yourself like a cobra and stay on your hands, with straight elbows.

4. In case of restlessness in kids

Sometimes children feel restless and irritated, with these yoga poses, you can calm them down and make them feel better.

Reclining butterfly pose

Lie on your back and touch both your feet with one another like a butterfly

Tree pose

Stand on one leg with another one folded on other’s thigh. Fold your hands in namaskar

Sandwich pose

Sit down and stretch your legs in front of you. Now bend towards your feet to touch your toes

5. For better and healthier sleep in kids

Sleeplessness is another health issue amongst children these days. They are unable to sleep properly. In order to make your kid sleep comfortably, these asanas are very helpful:

Butterfly pose

Sit and fold your legs in front of you by touching your knees on the ground and feet together.


Just lie on your back with your hands on the sides and legs relaxed with comfortable breathing.

 Sheepdog pose

Stand on your feet and bend down with hands touching the ground and stretch at max with your head bent inside.

Try these yoga poses with your children and let them live happy and healthy.

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